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Fig. 4 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Fig. 4

From: Constructing eRNA-mediated gene regulatory networks to explore the genetic basis of muscle and fat-relevant traits in pigs

Fig. 4

Contribution of tissue-specific eRNAs for the genetic basis of pig economic traits. a Enrichment of genome-wide association study (GWAS) signals of five major pig economic traits in tissue-specific eRNAs. A permutation test was performed with genomic background simulation of eRNA elements conducted 1000 times and a false discovery rate (FDR) adjusted for statistical significance (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01). b Enrichment of tissue-specific eRNAs in trait-related quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions. Statistical significance was determined using a permutation test with an adjusted FDR (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01). c Number of pig tissue-specific eRNAs and their homologs in the human genome. d A heatmap displaying stratified linkage disequilibrium score regression (S-LDSC) heritability enrichment of 64 human GWAS traits in human homologs of pig tissue-specific eRNAs. Data are hierarchically clustered by GWAS and tissues. * represents significant enrichment (P < 0.05). e A dot plot displaying the statistical significance of S-LDSC enrichment for waist-hip ratio. A red dashed line is marked at −log10(0.05)

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